среда, 19 декабря 2012 г.

What is the real goal of doghunting?

       Doghunring – a particular phenomenon  of modern Russia. In 2011 this movement got an official support when St.Petersburg authorities invited doghunters to eliminate street dogs and cats, and promised to pay 800 rubles (about 20 €) for each … dog’s or cat’s head. What kind of authorities we have which cooperate with people who enjoy cutting off dogs’ and cats’ heads?  This year the wave of doghunters’ activity got a new force. Only in Moscow more than a thousand dogs were killed. Recently a internationally well known  dog-diver was poisoned in Vladivostok.
Bonifaciy - a dog-diver
His master Sergey Gorbunov
       It seems at a first glance that doghunters are maniacs and sadists. It is true. However, a few questions emerged relating to these dramatic events. Poisons – each year more and more sophisticated – are rather expensive, poison is put into meat, which is also rather expensive. All the activity is well organized and needs a lot of time. Doghunters have weapons. Who stands behind the scene? Where is the inexhaustible financial source? And why the police does not even make an effort to stop this inhumane activity?  And – the final question – whether dogs and cats are the key goal of these actions? Or the poor creatures are only the instruments for reaching some other purpose?  

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