пятница, 7 декабря 2012 г.

A five stars heated kennel - it is a reality

    Our family always had dogs – mostly German and Eastern European shepherd dogs. They lived in kennels in our garden. We put straw inside the  kennels. In Winter when it was too cold  we added  somewarm things as old blankets. 
     Yes, we now– from our school textbooks on bio - that dogs have very strong and tough ancestries  - wolves and jackals. There are a lot of breeds now which inherited this valuable ability to adapt  to various environments,  including low temperatures. A puppy of an Eskimo dog is able to live when it is 50 degrees below zero.
      However, if our dog lives in a kennel we do not stop to worry whether he is OK when it is cold.  
Now the problem of dog kennel heating seems to be resolved and your pet can get a acomfortable house with a safe and reliable heating sysytem. See http://www.bigkennel.eu/gallery.html

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