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Показаны сообщения с ярлыком dogs. Показать все сообщения

суббота, 2 августа 2014 г.

Malinois puppies for sale

Litter of July 15, 2014. A'Jay X Boni. Excellent puppies - boys and girls - dogs for sport and work. Vaccinated. Pedigree. Arangelovac Serbia.Safe deliverance to a new family.
Contacts : kosmajdog@gmail.com
+ 381 60 737 3090

воскресенье, 25 мая 2014 г.

After flood dogs from Obrenovac (Serbia)

 Naši gosti iz Obrenovca . Dragi vlasnici , vaši ljubimci su svi dobro . Oni žive u pansionu za pse "Zivot sa psima", 

 Dear dog owners. Your pets are OK and wait for you in dog's hotel "Life with dogs". 

 Mladenovac, Velica Ivanca. +381 69 70 83 54   +381 69 115 14 74




среда, 14 мая 2014 г.

German shepherd - old generation. From our family archives.

      In !923 near Moscow a military kennel and dogs' school "Red Star" was created. Our family always took puppies from this kennel for socializing and training them under the supervision of the " Red Star" instructors. Those dogs were extremely responsible and reliable..

вторник, 1 апреля 2014 г.

Mondioring seminar of Stefan van Meensel

                                          Malinois A"Jay, attack

A mondioring seminar with Stefan van Meensel was organized by the Training Club "HamHam United" in coooperation with K9 Club in Bucharest, March 18-20. Thanks to enthusiasm of Alex Davidesku and Tatyana Filippova two- and four-legged participants got excellent training in this exciting ring sport.

                                          Malinois A"Jay. Defense of a handler

пятница, 31 января 2014 г.

Senior Dog Care
We all get older and slower. Humans and canines alike eventually show signs of aging. These signs can be visible like greying hair or even just the fact that you realize your dog is sleeping more often.
While some breeds age more quickly than others, most dogs are considered "seniors" between seven and ten years. To help ensure your beloved pet goes through his golden years comfortably, there are simple things you can do.
Your dog has, after all, given you love and support, and now it is your turn to show how much you care.
Make Some Dietary Changes
Dietary recommendations change as your dog gets older. It's more than just watching their weight. You need to be more conscious of their eating frequency and the type of food given.
Older dogs should be fed a smaller amount of food on a more frequent schedule. Feed them the same amount of food daily as normal, just break up the feedings, spreading it out over four meals throughout the day.
Some older dogs are prone to intestinal upset, and feeding them smaller meals more frequently can help prevent this problem.
Older dogs are more affected by added weight, so it is important to watch their weight and to help them lose any excess pounds. Overweight older dogs are at a higher risk for developing diabetes.
Most veterinarians recommend pet owners start using a senior food low in fat and high in protein when the pet is seven years of age, but that can depend on the breed.
You should also ask your vet about any additional nutritional supplements appropriate for your dog's breed and age. German shepherds, for example, are prone to joint problems early on.

Regular Vet Visits
Senior dogs should see a vet for a thorough wellness check semi-annually. Your vet will check your senior dog's eyes, mouth, teeth, skin, fur, ears, and heart. There are also routine screening tests for early detection of a variety of common older age problems such as:
·         Arthritis and other degenerative joint diseases
·         Diabetes
·         Prostate and breast cancers
·         Liver and kidney problems
Unusual behaviors that require an immediate appointment include the following:
·         Shortness of breath or continual coughing
·         Urinary incontinence, diarrhea, or constipation
·         Weakness or stiffness
·         Changes in weight or appetite
·         Uncommon aggression or strange unexplained behavior changes
Your vet can help you monitor your aging pet's needs so that you can keep your dog comfortable and in the best health possible. And don't forget about your loved one's teeth while at the vet. A professional cleaning can help your pet eat and chew more comfortably.

Making Your Senior Dog More Comfortable
Luckily, there are several easy things you can do to help your senior dog enjoy the later years.
Senior dogs are more vulnerable to the weather by nature, so it is important they don't spend too much time exposed to heat, cold and humidity. Older dogs just can't handle the temperatures they once did.
An orthopedic bed can help your senior dog rest more comfortably and sleep more deeply. Dog ramps will help your arthritic pet get up and down places that used to be easy.
Think about rearranging the furniture to make it easier for your dog's weakening eyesight. Keeping clutter off the floor removes obstacles, which also decreases anxiety.
Some larger breeds would benefit from using a raised feeder so that they can reach their food and water easily.
Even just providing an additional blanket will help make your pet more comfortable. Don't forget, your 12-year-old dog is 77 years old in human age.
Our dogs provide us with years of love and loyalty, the least we can do is help make them comfortable for as long as we can.
Please visit pet-super-store.com, providers of quality dog accessories.

вторник, 5 ноября 2013 г.

How to teach our dog to jump correctly? - Seminar of Andreas Benke

     Often a dog tries to avoid the barrier or jumps too low. How to correct jumping? At his seminar in Subotica (Serbia), October 19-20, Andreas Benke gave an answer. The exercise was simple and enjoyable for all participants: two- and four-legged. 

воскресенье, 4 августа 2013 г.

+35 C. Hard time for your pets!

When this Summer ends, for God's sake?

I'm wondering: why those two-legged like Summer?
       Summer is not  an easy  period for your pets. Particularly when its too hot - + 25 and higher. + 35 is unbearable. Let your pets relax where they choose.They should have fresh water all day round. Walk them out early in the morning and late in the evening. Better to stop any training. If you have an aged dog it might be necessary to give him/her pills to support heart working.

Pansion "Zivot za psima" in Kosmaj area

Mladenovac, Velica Ivanca
+3816 970 8354
+3816 911 51 474

пятница, 12 июля 2013 г.

Defense dogs' skills presentation. Lazarevac, July 6

Dog is above all
Where is a dog, where is a man?
A defense dog also should be defensed.
Trying to take an interview
A cynological journalism
Protection of a woman

On July 6 a defense dogs' presentation was held  in Lazarevac (Serbia). Dogs - malinois and German shepherd dog - demonstrated their abilities in obedience, IPO and  mondioring programs. 

суббота, 22 июня 2013 г.

Buck - le chien qui ne voulait pas mourir

Buck, ou le fabuleux destin d'un chien luttant pour sa vie

Quand une histoire tragique, d'une rare cruauté, connaît une fin aussi belle et pleine d'espoir que celle du chien Buck, nous ne pouvons que nous émerveiller.

Dimanche dernier, l'animal a été trouvé enfermé dans un sac poubelle attaché à une barrière à Conroe, une ville du Texas.

Agonisant, le chien était couvert de sang, la tête criblée de plombs...

Buck, le chien qui ne voulait pas mourir

Comment croire que Buck est aujourd'hui vivant ? C'est un véritable miracle !

L'animal au courage indescriptible, surnommé "le chien qui ne voulait pas mourir" a lutté pour survivre, et des centaines d'internautes se sont mobilisés pour l'y aider.

L'homme qui a découvert l'animal le week-end dernier a d'abord tenté de contacter les agents de contrôle des animaux, mais n'obtenant pas de réponse, et devant l'urgence de la situation, il s'est tourné vers l'une de ses voisines, une certaine Tami Augustyn, connue dans le quartier pour son amour des animaux.

Celle-ci a alors immédiatement conduit le chien dans une clinique. Les médecins se sont montrés bien peu optimistes, craignant que le cerveau de l'animal ne soit gravement endommagé, et affirmant qu'il ne recouvrerait jamais la vue.

Des milliers de dollars récoltés pour soigner le chien

En plus de ses nombreuses blessures dues aux balles qui lui ont traversé le visage, le cou et le poitrail, le chien souffrait d'anémie et de déshydratation.

Mais bien décidée à offrir une seconde chance à ce chien victime d'une si monstrueuse cruauté, Tami n'a pas baissé les bras. Elle a crée une page Facebook : Buck Needs Bucks for his Buckshot Injuries, afin de récolter les 2.500 dollars (2.000 euros) nécessaires pour couvrir les frais des soins les plus urgents.

Mais l'histoire du chien, probablement utilisé pour des combats, a vite fait le tour du web. Le "chien qui ne voulait pas mourir" a bouleversé, et continue de bouleverser des centaines d'internautes. 

En l'espace de 2 jours, ce ne sont pas seulement 2.500 dollars qui ont été réunis, mais 10.000 ! Une somme qui permettra même d'emmener Buck chez un ophtalmologiste.

Une fondation au nom de Buck

Aujourd'hui, plus de 30.000 dollars ont été récoltés pour Buck. L'argent qui ne servira pas à soigner le chien sera utilisé par Tami pour créer une association, The Buck Foundation, qui viendra en aide aux animaux maltraités.

"Aujourd'hui, Buck va bien" affirme Tami dans les colonnes du New York Daily News. "Il est très content quand il me voit, quand il entend ma voix" s'émeut-elle.

La rapidité avec laquelle Buck se remet de ses blessures est aussi impressionnante que la solidarité qui s'est créée autour de lui.

суббота, 15 июня 2013 г.

The first Dutch Shepherd in Serbija

Gina del Nakuru - the first Dutch Shepherd dog in Serbija - got "excellent" at today dogs' exhibition CAC Mladenovac. Prvak Rase.
Dutch Shepherds  or Herders are  excellent working dogs, mostly used in the army. They are very well balanced, brave, clever and reliable, very good in protection. 

суббота, 1 июня 2013 г.

K-9 German Shepherd: a farewell salute

Нравится · 22 ч. назад 
Kaiser, a German Shepherd serving in the Massachusetts Police Department K-9 unit, began his journey to rainbow bridge after a battle with kidney disease. ,
The emotional and heart-wrenching photo shows Kaiser being given an emotional farewell salute by fellow police officers as he passed on his final journey. Kaiser was recently diagnosed with severe kidney disease/failure ... he battled this disease with vigour and toughness, but there comes a point when the health and wellbeing of a friend becomes paramount. 
Officer Lebretton wrote - RIP my boy. I could not have asked for a better partner or friend. May you rest easy and wait for me at that sacred bridge. I will be there my friend. I will be there. I will never forget you or our accomplishments. You made me a better person, a better handler, and a better cop. Till we meet again kai. I love you and will miss you daily.

суббота, 16 февраля 2013 г.

Dogs & poetry

     Our pets inspire us even for writing poems. Here is a photo that a lot of people liked. The poem with this photo is in Russian. Rather unexpectedly for myself I made an English version of the poem for more people can read it. These words are so sincere and full of love!

I love you more than a sky,
Than stars that bright in the height.
I miss you when you are away.
And hope that you feel the same.

Я люблю тебя больше неба,
Больше звезд, что горят в вышине.
И когда тебя рядом нету
Я скучаю. А ты по мне?