пятница, 20 декабря 2013 г.

Merry Christmas & happy New Year !

воскресенье, 24 ноября 2013 г.

Автор обращения Елена Типикина ПИТЕРЦЫ! Друзья собаководы, военные историки, историки не военные и все, кому может быть интересно! Прошу перепоста и информационного наступления по всем фронтам, для того, чтобы эта удивительная, неправдоподобно - бесценная для истории и очень скромная с виду картонка (метрика блокадного щенка, однажды уже позабытая на много десятилетий) - снова не растворилась бы бесследно в житейском море суеты и утраченной памяти. ................................................................ Приходите сами. Пригласите друзей. Принесите цветы к подножию витрины ЭТОЙ картонки. Этот кусочек пожелтевшего картона, кропотливо заполненный с двух сторон лично Ольгой Дмитриевной Кошкиной - оплачен буквально ценой человеческих жизней ленинградцев. Многие в России и мире знают о неправдоподобной истории спасения Вавиловской коллекции сортов пшеницы. Ленинградские ученые растениеводы - генетики умирали от голода и многие из них умерли - но не прикоснулись к коллекции семян, сохранив уникальный генофонд нескольких тысяч сортов, собранных Вавиловым по всему миру. Мало кто знал, что в осажденном городе, где обезумевшие от голода люди съели почти всех животных, собак и кошек - военные собаководы , зоотехники Клуба Служебного Собаководства с такими же героическими усилиями сохраняли племенной генофонд собак служебных пород. мы ЖДЕМ ВАС, всех тех, кто не утратил благодарной памяти о блокадных собаководах.

понедельник, 11 ноября 2013 г.

Pointer Judy - a war hero.

        Judy, the prisoner of war. Judy was the mascot of several ships in the Pacific, was captured by the Japanese in 1942 and taken to a prison camp, there she met Leading Aircraftsman Frank Williams who shared his small portion of rice with her.Judy raised morale in the POW camp giving alarm when poisonous snakes, crocodiles and even tigers approached. She was smuggled out in a rice sack when the prisoners were shipped back to Singapore, she never whimper or betrayed her presence to the guards. The next day the ship was torpedoed.Williams pushed Judy out of a porthole in an attempt to save her life, even though there was a 15 feet drop to the sea. He made his own escape from the ship, not knowing if Judy had survived. Frank Williams was recaptured and was sent to a new camp without news of Judy's survival. However, stories began being told of a dog helping drowning men reach pieces of debris on which to hold.Williams was giving up hope of finding Judy when she arrived in his new camp. "I couldn’t believe my eyes. As I entered the camp, a scraggy dog hit me square between the shoulders and knocked me over! I’d never been so glad to see the old girl. They spent a year in Sumatra. "She saved my life in so many ways. The greatest way of all was giving me a reason to live. All I had to do was look at her and into those weary, bloodshot eyes and I would ask myself: What would happen to her if I died? I had to keep going. Even if it meant waiting for a miracle. Once hostilities ceased, Judy was smuggled aboard a troopship heading to Liverpool.She was awarded the Dickin Medal, "the animals' VC", in May 1946. Her citation reads: "For magnificent courage and endurance in Japanese prison camps, which helped to maintain morale among her fellow prisoners and also for saving many lives through her intelligence and watchfulness". At the same time, Frank Williams was awarded the PDSA's White Cross of St. Giles, the highest award possible, for his devotion to Judy. Frank and Judy spent the year after the war visiting the relatives of PoWs who hadn't survived; Frank remarked that Judy always seemed to give a comforting presence.Judy died at the age of 13. Frank spent two months building a granite and marble memorial in her memory,which included a plaque which told of her life story. 

воскресенье, 10 ноября 2013 г.

Retrieving - it's simple!

      Retrieving is a very useful dogs' skill.  However, it is one of rather complicated exrcises. If you devide it into small parts the teaching would be easier and more enjoyable for both: for you and our dog:)

вторник, 5 ноября 2013 г.

How to teach our dog to jump correctly? - Seminar of Andreas Benke

     Often a dog tries to avoid the barrier or jumps too low. How to correct jumping? At his seminar in Subotica (Serbia), October 19-20, Andreas Benke gave an answer. The exercise was simple and enjoyable for all participants: two- and four-legged. 

среда, 23 октября 2013 г.

It's time to protect wolves

Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton: 

    1. Toni Villella
    3. Petition by
      Stillwater, MN, MN


With only WEEKS away from the next recreational wolf hunt, 
concerned Minnesotans need your help suspending this year’s
 hunt based on the alarming 25% decline in 2012 wolf
population and the often cruel and inhumane methods 
used to trap and hunt our beloved wolves.
The Grey Wolf will soon find itself right back on the 
endangered species list if we continue this disturbing rate 
of senseless killing in Minnesota. One out of every four
wolves – 413 in total - were killed by hunters and trappers 
in 2012; not to protect public safety, not to control the 
population size, and not to reduce conflicts with people. 
They were killed for sport, for fun and for trophies.
Worst yet, more than half the wolves killed in Minnesota 
were less than 2 years old and almost a third were less 
han 1 year old. These were not problem wolves; they 
were not in conflicts with people, livestock, or domestic 
animals. They were just wolves living wild and free in
 the northern woods of Minnesota. The wolves' 
packs are beginning to become broken up and disrupted. 
When this occurs they get desperate or in more trouble 
with humans and livestocks.  
Minnesota hasn’t had this few wolves in the state 
since 1988 and pack sizes have greatly suffered consequently. P
acks are family units made up of siblings and other relatives 
that support activities essential for survival, notably hunting 
and raising pups. And it is known that the random killing 
of non-problem wolves tears apart wolf families and 
diminishes their ability to survive and reproduce.
Above all, the cruel methods allowed for hunting and 
trapping wolves are disgusting and frightening. The 
majority of Minnesota voters oppose these inhumane a
nd unethical, yet legally sanctioned practices: metal
 leghold traps that crush limbs, wire choke snares 
that cause painful brain bleeding, and bait-like food a
nd the calls of wolf pups in distress that lure adult 
protectors to their death.
Finally, a recreational wolf hunt is simply unnecessary 
and egregious. Minnesota state law already allows
wolves to be killed in protection of livestock, pets, and people.
Please sign this important petition to help S
AVE MINNESOTA WOLVES from the endangered 
'species list, guaranteed extinction and the cruel and 
inhumane methods used to kill them!
Learn more and sign at HowlingForWolves.org/letter.

Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton, 
Office of the Minnesota Governor

The vast majority of Minnesotans believe 

wolves should be protected for future 
generations and oppose the cruel methods 
used to hunt them for recreation. After 
a single hunting and trapping season, 
the Minnesota wolf population is at the 
west level since 1988. Recreational wolf 
hunting and trapping does not support the...

Read more

четверг, 17 октября 2013 г.

Lobo park: eye to eye with foxes and wolves

Lobo park (Spain) was created by Daniel Weigend and Alexandra  Stieber (for a long time Daniel trained working dogs in Germany). The park became a unique site where respect for animals' nature is the key principle. Open for public since 2004.

четверг, 3 октября 2013 г.

Об одной счастливой встрече в собачьем приюте

      С тех пор как меня забрали из приюта, это фото представляет для меня огромную ценность. Когда она шла по длинному коридору, такая одинокая и печальная, нерешительно заглядывая в вольеры, наши взгляды встретились. Я тотчас ощутил, что ей необходима поддержка и решил помочь. Я повилял ей хвостом, но старался сдерживать свои эмоции, чтобы ее не напугать. Когда она остановилась возле меня, я постарался отвлечь ее внимание от маленькой неприятности в дальнем углу моей клетки, случившейся из-за того, что сегодня со мной не погуляли. Я просто не хотел, чтобы она плохо подумала о работниках приюта, которые и без того слишком заняты. Когда она читала мою приютскую карточку, я молился чтобы она не думала и не грустила о моем прошлом. Я хочу смотреть только в будущее и хочу изменить хоть чью-нибудь жизнь к лучшему. Тут она встала на колени перед клеткой и тихонько окликнула меня. Она очень волновалась, и я через прутья протянул ей лапу и высунул морду. Она потрепала меня по шее и заплакала. Тихо-тихо… Ей было очень одиноко, ей так нужен был друг. Вот тогда я исхитрился и лизнул её. А как ещё я мог сказать, что теперь всё будет хорошо! Дверь клетки открылась, и тут я просто бросился к ней в объятья. И увидел её сияющую улыбку: она больше не одна! Клянусь всю жизнь заботиться о ней. Клянусь всегда быть рядом. Клянусь делать все, что в моих силах, чтобы блеск этих глаз и лучезарность улыбки не сходили с ее лица. Сегодня я спас человека. Но сколько людей пока не нашли своего счастья. Скольких нам ещё предстоит спасти… Animal Rescues Appeal

четверг, 19 сентября 2013 г.

A law for killing dogs? What Danish legislators are drafting?

13 dog breeds are now banned, 12 more are lined up! 

January 2013 - Denmark has one of the most strict dog breed bans in the world. 13 breeds were already banned and 12 more are lined up, making it a total of 25 breeds to be banned in the near future.

The discussion in Denmark went totally out of hand. While reports surfaced that despite the current ban, the number of dog bites have increased and the ban is therefore not working, politicians and media ignored the facts and called for more breeds to be banned. When vets are reluctant to euthanize healthy animals just because they are part of breed, politicians called upon people to practice "do-it-yourself" euthanasia. This message was corrected, yet it shows the sentiment that is present in the country and the horror dogs and dog owners in Denmark are living in.

Shakespeare onces wrote "something is rotten in the state of Denmark". Some hundreds of years later he is proven right. A lot of Danes are against the law and cry out in protest of this outrage. Help the Danes to stop this madness in their country, and let them return to the civilized world once more, states the following petition.

Over 400,000 dogs are in imminent danger of being killed!

Since the breed ban has been passed, over 400.000 dogs are in danger in Denmark. The Government has introduced reverse burden of proof, so the owners of Dogs that look like these breeds, now have to proof that they are not, which, as we all know, can not be done with DNA. If the families of these dogs can't lift the burden of proof - the dog will be euthanized.

Banned breeds

In Denmark, it is illegal to own, breed, or import the following breeds and/or cross-breeds of dogs:
  • Pit Bull Terrier
  • Tosa Inu (Japanese Fighting Dog)
  • American Staffordshire Terrier
  • Fila Brasileiro
  • Dogo Argentino
  • American Bulldog
  • Boerboel (South African Mastiff)
  • Turkish Kangal
  • Central Asian Ovtcharka
  • Caucasian Ovtcharka
  • South Russian Ovtcharka
  • Tornjak
  • Sarplaninac

For dogs bought before 17 March 2010 the legislation does not apply, but there are very strict rules to observe.

For further information, please contact The Ministry of Justice (Justitsministeriet):

  • Raadet vedroerende Hold af Saerlige Dyr (The Council for Specific Animals)
    At: Slotholmsgade 10, 1216 Copenhagen K
    Tel: 33 92 33 40

Fido died innocent March 15, 2013
 He is but one of 1,800 victims since Denmark's breed ban
came into effect on July 1, 2010

Fido had run away from home, but had done absolutely nothing to anybody during that little stunt. When the police talked to the owner, the lady did the mistake to tell them that he was part American Stafford. This mistake got Fido killed - totally innocent - given that a cross with American Stafford is illegal under the Dogs Act.

Two judges in the Danish Kennel Club has since Fido's stunt, based on photos and a visit to the dog, said that they do not see any sign that the dog is an American Stafford mix.

But this is, according to the police, not a satisfactory explanation of Fido's origin. Fido's family had the opportunity to say "good bye" to their beloved dog before they killed him.

Fido died March 15, 2013. He had done nothing wrong. He had never hurt anyone.


Stop judging and ultimately killing these dogs
based on your ignorance and look at the facts!

The following text is taken from an article from July 25, 2011, taken from the following website and will explain:

Denmark Breed Ban is failing (and why the solution is not more banning)

Last week, an organization in Denmark called "Fair Dog" released a report detailing some of the failures of the Breed Ban in Denmark.

If you recall, on July 1 of 2010, Denmark banned 13 breds of dogs, including the pit bull terrier, Tosa Inu, American Staffordshire Terrier, Fila Brasileiro, Dogo Argentino, American Bulldog, Boerboel, Kangal, 3 breeds of Ovtcharkas, Tornjak and Sarplanina.

In the Fair Dog report, they accumulated dog bite numbers for the 12 months prior to the ban and for the 12 months post the ban -- by accumulating data from veterinary offices, the internet and police numbers. While they acknowledge the data is more of a collection of facts than truly statistical, the numbers do give some insight into the failings of the National Breed Ban.

The report focuses on 464 bite episodes from every region of the country, and even breaks down the bites from dog vs human, dog vs dog, dog vs other animal and fatal attack.

Based on their data, the number of dog bites on humans went from 67 in the 12 months prior to the ban to 107 in the 12 months after the ban (a 60% increase), dog bites on other dogs from 75 to 117 (a 56% increase), dog bites on other animals 21 to 24 (14% increase) and fatal attacks from 23 to 30 (30% increase)*.  Total dog bites went from 186 to 278 -- a 49% increase.

*The study doesn't specifically mention what constitutes a 'fatality' -- my assumption is that a fatality includes human and other animal deaths and not just human deaths -- as 30 human fatalities in a country of just over 5 million people would be a ridiculously high number -- as 30 is a high number of fatalities per year in the U.S. where we have a population of over 300 million people.

Of the bite incidents, 6.5% of all bites in the 12 months prior to the ban were from the banned breeds, this number dropped to 4.3% in the 12 months after the ban as bites from non-banned breeds increased.

The top biting dogs have changed little from before the ban vs after. Post the ban, the top biting dogs are Schaefer (German Shepherds -- who were #1 before the ban), Rottweilers and Bladinghundes (which is the Danish term for mixed breeds).

The Danish Government has responded to the poor first year of the ban, not by acknowledging the failure of targeting breeds vs targeting careless owners, but by discussion adding another 12 breeds to the banned list.

That too, will fail.

The report also details other areas in which breed bans have failed, including detailing information from SpainThe NetherlandsGermanyItalyScotland and the UK. Continuing to

You can read the entire report here (much of it is in Danish but Google Translate can help you muddle through it). Some pieces are in English.


The problem with dogs is not dogs. It is people. And laws that continue to focus on dogs and not on the owners are destined to fail because they are targeting the wrong end of the leash. This has been true throughout the world -- and study after study proves it.

Focusing on responsible dog ownership is the solution, not targeting dogs based on their shape.


Take action - sign the petitions!

Please sign the petition: Tell Denmark to stop banning dog breeds at change.org
and please sign also the petition: Repeal the Breed Ban in Denmark at GoPetition

Thank you!

Please read also: July 11 - International Lennox Day