воскресенье, 8 июля 2012 г.

It is official - the day that thousands of dog lovers from across the world hoped that they would never see - the day that judges in Northern Ireland have upheld the ruling to destroy the dog named "Lennox".
BBC News released the disheartening information on Tuesday.
The country's most senior judges have upheld the lower court's ruling to kill Lennox, dismissing Lennox's owner's desperate appeals to save her beloved pet.
Lennox has never attacked anyone. Lennox has never threatened to attack anyone. Lennox has never been anything more than a treasured companion to his adoring family.
But thanks to the way that he looks, he will lose his life. Lennox looks like a pit bull - a "dangerous breed" according to officials in Northern Ireland.
For five years, Lennox was able to enjoy a wonderful life with his family.
His owner, Caroline Barnes, was a responsible owner. While in the Barnes family's care, Lennox was neutered, kept up to date on his shots, licensed and microchipped.
But in Northern Ireland, how Lennox looks has trumped the responsibility of his family and his own good behavior.
Lennox was ripped from the home of those he knew and loved back in May, 2010. Since that time, he has been incarcerated as court battles raged to save, or end, his life.
His time of emotional suffering will soon draw to a close.

 What I think about it?
To kill a dog only for what he/she looks like - it is the same as to kill a human being only because he looks different. It's inhuman and disgracing. More than that - it opens a very dangerous way: there are a lot of breeds that can be qualified as dangerous for this or that reason, All dogs of such breeds should be killed? Our pets like children for us, only four-legged. I invite judges think about it and about masters of Lennox and of other potential victims of such 'a highly civilized' approach, try to imagine themselves as a master of a pet who should be killed only because of his exterior.
And what is your opinion?

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