воскресенье, 1 сентября 2013 г.

About mondioring decoy in Serbian language. O asistentu sadija - na srpskom jeziku

      Kao kratak istorijat pomenućemo da se u prošlosti asistent sudija nazivao „apache“,  malfaiteur”,  „maneken“, „slamarica“ („pailasse“). U Americi zove se „decoy“ ili „pomoćnik“, „asistent“. Svaki od ovih termina sa sobom nosi filozofiju umetnosti treninga, termin kao takav koristi se i u Nemačkoj, Španiji, Holandiji, Italiji, Švajcarskoj i ako su različite. Ime decoy dolsovno je muškarac-asistent. Kao od strane „lovačkog psa“, „odbrambenog psa“, „psa čuvara“, čovek nije istinski nadahnut, jer se on generalno brani, beži, ili ukrade objekat poveren psu na čuvanje.
On je, kako je rečeno u predhodnom poglavlju, parter sa psimai vodičima. On mora biti i protivnik, jer sarađuje sa sudijama na takmičenjima, i pomaže sudijama da klasifikuju pse po zaslugama.

суббота, 31 августа 2013 г.

O mondioringe - na srpskom jezike. About mondioring - in Serbian language.

      Мондиоринг - спектакуларан пас Ринг Спорт - прави прве кораке у Србији. Ми покушавамо да подрже овај развој и чине српску језичку верзију Правилника о мондиоринг које су у француском оригиналу у ФЦИ. Надамо се да ће то дати многима љубитељима паса могућност да је знао више о мондиоринг и да прошири групу следбеника. Уз овај пост можете наћи превод почетка Правилника 

       Mondioring - a spectacular dog ring sport - makes first steps in Serbia. We try to support this development and make Serbian language version of the Rules of mondioring that are in French in the FCI original. We hope that it'll give many dog lovers a possibility to knew more about mondioring and to widen the group of followers. With this post you can find the translation of the beginning of the Rules

среда, 28 августа 2013 г.

Starting of mondioring in Serbia

Mondioring - an exciting dog sport - which is now getting popular in Serbia. It  consists of obedience, jumping and defense exercises, and requires good physical condition, high ability to learn, reaction and hardiness of a dog. Malinois is the No1breed in this ring sport.

воскресенье, 25 августа 2013 г.

XIX Mondioring World Cup. Muskiz, Spain


       Mondioring is an exciting ring sport which requires well trained participants and their dogs (mostly malinois), as well as decoys or helpers of high professional skills: deep knowledge of dog’s behavior, intensive physical training, reaction and – a good sense of humor.
         Mondioring is a young sport. However, it takes its start in late XIX century when soldiers showed – for getting money -  defense skills of their dogs. Step by step some rules were developed and first competitions were organized.  In different countries – mostly in France, Belgium, Germany – very similar trainings were performed. To harmonize the principles and rules of these trainings, to increase their popularity European mondioring  clubs held a meeting. The new term – mondioring (world ring) – and unified rules emerged as a result of this conference. Now the FCI publicized official rules of mondioring and every year two grand championships and a lot of minor competitions are held. A helper, or decoy (homme assistant – in French) should pass special tests (attestation) for working in mondioring.

пятница, 23 августа 2013 г.

The secret of the logo.

         We thought a lot about the image of the logo of our dog hotel "Life with dogs" - Pansion za psima "Zivot za pse". We tried many variants and were satisfied with none. Unless we looked at our charming herder or Dutch Shepherd dog (http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/dutchshepherd.htm) Gina. She gave us  a real inspiration for creating  this laconic and - we hope - elegant logo.

          Our Gina del Nakuru - feminine, brave and playful.

Pansion za pse "Zivot sa psima"  www.kosmaj-dog.com
                                             e-mail    kosmajdog@gmail.com

среда, 21 августа 2013 г.

вторник, 20 августа 2013 г.

August is a fruit month - for your pets also.

What does your pet eat? Meat or chicken or dry food? Whatever he/she eats give him?her vegetables and fruits. Carrots and apples will be OK mostly for all dogs. You can try to widen the menu. Our dogs (but not all of them) adore apricots, plums and even water melon. However, be cautious, give fruits by little pieces. Good luck !