пятница, 20 декабря 2013 г.

Merry Christmas & happy New Year !

воскресенье, 24 ноября 2013 г.

Автор обращения Елена Типикина ПИТЕРЦЫ! Друзья собаководы, военные историки, историки не военные и все, кому может быть интересно! Прошу перепоста и информационного наступления по всем фронтам, для того, чтобы эта удивительная, неправдоподобно - бесценная для истории и очень скромная с виду картонка (метрика блокадного щенка, однажды уже позабытая на много десятилетий) - снова не растворилась бы бесследно в житейском море суеты и утраченной памяти. ................................................................ Приходите сами. Пригласите друзей. Принесите цветы к подножию витрины ЭТОЙ картонки. Этот кусочек пожелтевшего картона, кропотливо заполненный с двух сторон лично Ольгой Дмитриевной Кошкиной - оплачен буквально ценой человеческих жизней ленинградцев. Многие в России и мире знают о неправдоподобной истории спасения Вавиловской коллекции сортов пшеницы. Ленинградские ученые растениеводы - генетики умирали от голода и многие из них умерли - но не прикоснулись к коллекции семян, сохранив уникальный генофонд нескольких тысяч сортов, собранных Вавиловым по всему миру. Мало кто знал, что в осажденном городе, где обезумевшие от голода люди съели почти всех животных, собак и кошек - военные собаководы , зоотехники Клуба Служебного Собаководства с такими же героическими усилиями сохраняли племенной генофонд собак служебных пород. мы ЖДЕМ ВАС, всех тех, кто не утратил благодарной памяти о блокадных собаководах.

понедельник, 11 ноября 2013 г.

Pointer Judy - a war hero.

        Judy, the prisoner of war. Judy was the mascot of several ships in the Pacific, was captured by the Japanese in 1942 and taken to a prison camp, there she met Leading Aircraftsman Frank Williams who shared his small portion of rice with her.Judy raised morale in the POW camp giving alarm when poisonous snakes, crocodiles and even tigers approached. She was smuggled out in a rice sack when the prisoners were shipped back to Singapore, she never whimper or betrayed her presence to the guards. The next day the ship was torpedoed.Williams pushed Judy out of a porthole in an attempt to save her life, even though there was a 15 feet drop to the sea. He made his own escape from the ship, not knowing if Judy had survived. Frank Williams was recaptured and was sent to a new camp without news of Judy's survival. However, stories began being told of a dog helping drowning men reach pieces of debris on which to hold.Williams was giving up hope of finding Judy when she arrived in his new camp. "I couldn’t believe my eyes. As I entered the camp, a scraggy dog hit me square between the shoulders and knocked me over! I’d never been so glad to see the old girl. They spent a year in Sumatra. "She saved my life in so many ways. The greatest way of all was giving me a reason to live. All I had to do was look at her and into those weary, bloodshot eyes and I would ask myself: What would happen to her if I died? I had to keep going. Even if it meant waiting for a miracle. Once hostilities ceased, Judy was smuggled aboard a troopship heading to Liverpool.She was awarded the Dickin Medal, "the animals' VC", in May 1946. Her citation reads: "For magnificent courage and endurance in Japanese prison camps, which helped to maintain morale among her fellow prisoners and also for saving many lives through her intelligence and watchfulness". At the same time, Frank Williams was awarded the PDSA's White Cross of St. Giles, the highest award possible, for his devotion to Judy. Frank and Judy spent the year after the war visiting the relatives of PoWs who hadn't survived; Frank remarked that Judy always seemed to give a comforting presence.Judy died at the age of 13. Frank spent two months building a granite and marble memorial in her memory,which included a plaque which told of her life story. 

воскресенье, 10 ноября 2013 г.

Retrieving - it's simple!

      Retrieving is a very useful dogs' skill.  However, it is one of rather complicated exrcises. If you devide it into small parts the teaching would be easier and more enjoyable for both: for you and our dog:)