среда, 4 сентября 2013 г.

Mondioring decoy. Who is he?

Decoy (an extract from Rules of mondioring)

For a brief history, let us mention that in the past the decoy has also been called “Apache”,

“Malfaiteur” (lawbreaker), “Mannequin”, and “Paillasse” (strawman). In America we call
him “Decoy” (lure) or “Helper” (assistant). Each one of these terms carries with it a
philosophy of the art of training and it will be interesting to be able to add to this list the terms
used in Germany, Spain, Holland, Italy or Switzerland, if they are different. For it is the name
of the decoy (lit. trans. assistant man), which for simplicity we use the initials H. A.,
Compared with the “hunting dog”, “defense dog”, “guard dog”, the man is not truly
“attacking”, because generally he defends himself, flees, or steals an object entrusted to the
What he is, as said in the preceding section, is the partner of the dogs and the handlers. He
must also be an adversary, because he must collaborate with the Judge in the competitions, to help the Judge to classify the dogs by order of merit.
If the Decoy merely maintains a passive behavior, he is only a moveable puppet, good only to
be bitten. If his role is to allow the Judge to evaluate the quality of the dog, he must oppose the animal. As he is protected by his bite suit, he risks exaggerating this opposition. He risks also,
knowingly or not, behaving differently from one dog and another.
His is a difficult position, but he will have to always hold it in the best sporting spirit.
Without analyzing the work of the Decoy technically, we should lay down three golden rules
never to be forgotten:
1. The Decoy will be absolutely impartial.
2. He will never inflict, in any manner, physical pain upon the dog.
3. He will have to behave as if he were not wearing a protective bite suit, and therefore,
use promptness, deception, threats, and dodging to defend himself or impress the dog.
The Decoy will in no case strike the dog with the baton.
When he uses the revolver, he will fire in the air, at an angle of about 45°.
At the beginning of all the tests of courage, the Decoy will always place himself at a distance of 10 to 20 meters away from the dog in the middle of the field. It is forbidden for the Decoy to speak and order the dog by voice (physical gestures are allowed).
If liquid is to be used, only water is acceptable.
The Judge is responsible for the work of his Decoy, and the Decoy must conform to his
For levels 2 & 3, two decoys will share the exercises at the judge’s choice. Level 1 can be done with just one decoy.
The selection of the Decoy is carried out in each participating country by methods that are
determined by that country.

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