воскресенье, 23 сентября 2012 г.

How to live with three dogs in harmony?

       When I have only one dog I, of course, enjoyed my life, it was superb. However, all my relatives and friends, who didn’t have pets, thought that I’m a little crazy: to have family, to work and to take care of a dog. It seemed too much for them. When, already having an Alpha Cannaan dog,  I got a malinois puppy I preferred not to discuss it with my aunts and cousins. As to my friends I found only a few of them who understood me: they had more than one pet themselves.  But it seems God had big plans for my “doggy” life. I couldn’t understand how it happened but now I have three dogs: a beautiful herder or Dutch shepherd dog joined us.
I love you, Gina.
I adore you, Jay.
Let's dance waltz!


        I’m often asked  how they treat each other? Do male dogs fight with each other for the girl’s attention? No, they do not fight. All our big two- and four- legged family live in harmony. The key to the success is very simple: to setting right from the beginning a proper hierarchy and maintain  it permanently and persistently.

          I'll appreciate your comments. Please tell your story about your life with pets.


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